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Sustainability Policy

At Grupo Montesanto Tavares, sustainability is an integral part of our business vision. Our Sustainability Policy reflects our commitment to promoting responsible practices, preserving the environment, valuing our employees, and contributing to the communities in which we operate.

Through concrete actions and strategic partnerships, we strive to generate positive impacts and ensure a sustainable future for future generations.

Get to know our Sustainability Policy and learn more about our principles and guidelines by clicking on the link below.


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Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2022

2022 foi um ano de muitos marcos sustentáveis para o Grupo Montesanto Tavares. Através de novas ações, as empresas avançaram passos largos no caminho da cafeicultura sustentável, refletindo os valores do Grupo, com visões a longo prazo para um ecossistema equilibrado.

 Além disso, o compromisso com a responsabilidade social e a preservação ambiental permitiu ao Grupo Montesanto Tavares fortalecer parcerias com comunidades locais e impulsionar o desenvolvimento socioeconômico em regiões produtoras de café. Com essas conquistas, a empresa reafirma seu comprometimento no setor, inspirando outras organizações a seguirem o mesmo caminho rumo a um futuro mais sustentável. 

​Acesse o documento na íntegra no botão abaixo


Sustainability Report 2021

Continuing our commitment to transparency, the Montesanto Tavares Group presents its second Annual Sustainability Report.

This report covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021, and aims to highlight the key initiatives of the companies within the Group, along with medium and long-term goals and projects. We emphasize our responsible actions and the importance of ethics, transparency, and sustainability in all our operations and relationships with employees, partners, suppliers, and customers.

Access the full report by clicking the button below.


Sustainability Report 2020

This is our first Annual Sustainability Report, produced by the Montesanto Tavares Group.

In this report, we present the key initiatives and financial performance of the company from January 1 to December 31, 2020. We also share the outlook for 2021, along with medium and long-term goals and projects.

We value your comments, questions, and suggestions regarding the report. Please send them to the email address

Access the full report by clicking the button below.



All content in this report has been produced in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, known as GRI Standards, for sustainability reporting, following the GRI-referenced option.

Additionally, we have considered the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations.

For the first time, the Montesanto Tavares Group has adopted these methodologies and committed to responding to the GRI indicators.

Moving forward, GMT is committed to preparing an Annual Sustainability Report, sharing with its stakeholders the actions, projects, and progress made in the areas of sustainability and governance.


Code of Conduct & Whistleblower Hotline

Discover our Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policies, which reflect our commitment to transparency, accountability, and sustainable practices.

Our company is committed to maintaining a workplace that is honest and free from irregularities. That's why we provide this communication channel for you and our business partners.

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